Five years ago, Jiří Pošusta decided for a radical change. He traded a job of a private banker in a large bank for an independent advisor.

What dream actually came true for you?
The main thing is that I can offer clients the best of theirselves individually with a clear conscience and actually a joy. I now have a much wider range of investment products across the entire financial market. It is my independence from one specific bank or investment company that allows me to choose the most suitable solutions so that the assets I manage, long-term acquired, are maximally beneficial for the client, protected and reasonably valued.
So change for the better?
After five years with K and Partners, I can say that the company's management takes care of us in the way that every banker can only dream of. We meet regularly with executives or executive representatives of investment companies or issuers of investment products, we are in contact with leading experts in economics or finance, and last but not least, we examine all our investment products and opportunities on a long-term basis. Thanks to a great team of assistants, I have peace of mind at work and devote almost most of my time to clients.
You have worked in private banking for many years. Why did you decide to change?
I'm actually a very conservative and pragmatic person who doesn't like change very much. But when I decided to leave one of the big Czech banks five years ago, it was quite simple. As it was said in one Czech film: "I don't like myself here anymore." When you do a job that doesn't make you half happy, or you work with colleagues you don't really want to work with anymore, it's time for a change. Now I know that it was the best work decision in my life, because today I am in a team of colleagues who are not only professionally and professionally very successful, but also humanly friendly people.
How can we imagine your job as a private advisor?
I currently take care of several dozen satisfied clients who are in both the private and corporate sectors or the municipal segment. Even for them, it is possible to compile a portfolio according to their ideas, either very conservative, balanced or dynamic with a very interesting return, the necessary diversification and taking into account the acceptable risk.
You worked at the bank for 25 years, what did it give you?
I went through various positions and you could say several professions. From my original profession as an IT systems administrator, through a business position and leading a back office team to managing smaller or larger branches. I enjoyed solving sometimes very complex financial requirements of clients from private and corporate business, or even specific requirements of municipalities and cities.

Your work is very demanding, how do you relax?
It is important for me to be happy in my personal life as well and to be able to recharge my flashlights. In my case, it's the family first and then the mountains and hills. As I have been doing finance for thirty years, so I walk in the mountains at the same time. It is always different to go to the same hill, it depends on the equipment, the weather and who you go there. In the mountains and in my work, I decide, I am looking for a solution to overcome the planned trip or correct it, or postpone it to a later time. This is what charges me to another job, which I am currently very happy about.
